This morning, I had a conversation with
Dr. Randy Tobler on his radio show "Vital Signs", on 97.1 FM News Talk in St Louis. Dr. Tobler is an obstetrician-gynecologist with an interest in nutrition, fitness and reproductive endocrinology from a holistic perspective. He asked me to appear on his show after he discovered my blog and found that we have some things in common, including an interest in evolutionary/ancestral health. We talked about the history of the American diet, the health of non-industrial cultures, what fats are healthiest, and the difference between pastured and conventional meat/dairy-- we took a few questions from listeners-- it was fun.
The show is available as a podcast
here (3/26 show), although as far as I can tell, you need iTunes to listen to it. My section of the show starts around 8:20.
To everyone who arrived here after hearing me on the air this morning: welcome! Here are a few posts to give you a feel for what I do here at Whole Health Source:
The Coronary Heart Disease EpidemicUS Weight, Lifestyle and Diet Trends, 1970-2007Butter vs. Margarine ShowdownPreventing and
Reversing Tooth Decay
The Kitavans: Wisdom from the Pacific IslandsPotatoes and Human Health,
Part I,
Part II and
Part IIITraditional Preparation Methods Improve Grains' Nutritional ValueReal Food XI: Sourdough Buckwheat CrepesGlucose Tolerance in Non-industrial Cultures
Tropical Plant Fats: Palm OilIt's Time to Let Go of the Glycemic Index